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You're viewing Super Street Fighter 2 : The New Challengers Cheat Codes

Game Name : Super Street Fighter 2 : The New Challengers
System : Nintendo Wii
Date Added : 2008-06-09 19:41:11
Views : 21077

View Character Profiles
When you start the game wait for the first profile and hold: L + R on 2P

Reach M. Bison(Vega) without fighting CPU
Select Arcade Mode normally. When you start your fight press START on the controller 2. Then select for the second player the same figther the CPU was using and beat it. You will see yourself in the second fight! Repeat this until you find M. Bison(Vega) and fight for your life!

Game Speed
At the main/mode select menu, hold the right shoulder button on the Classic Controller and push up or down on the D-Pad to change the game speed. If you push down you should see 3 stars and the color of the Street Fighter II logo will change. There are 3 speeds.

Different Color Outfits!
To get diffirent color outfits for the characters use different buttons to select them.

Use Up to 8 of Each Fighter in Group Battle
Group Battle usually limits you to two instances of each fighter, but this code increases that number to eight. From the Game Start screen, enter Group Battle mode. Then, using the second controller, alternately and repeatedly tap L and R until Vega laughs. Choose Match Play or Elimination from the menu. You and your opponent will now be able to use up to eight instances of each fighter.

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